Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Year of Learning

This year has been difficult. Thus there has been a gap in my writing on my blog (also due to reading too many books). Although, now that some of the trials are behind me, I can look back and see how much growth that I have had because of it. Praise God for unanswered prayers and for hardships in our life so that we can grow.
I have never experienced such meanness in our world. Grown ups acting like children. Though, through a recent bible study I have learned that just because someone is the age of an adult, it doesn't make them an adult. I have had people question my son's clothes (wearing basketball shorts), people not talk to me, ignore me, laugh at me and talk behind my back. My husband has helped me learn "so what." I used to care what people thought and would get discouraged when someone didn't like me. Well, I am to the point of not caring and being able to say "so what."
My son and I have both experienced bullying. Me from adults and Mark from kids and adults. The school experience that we have had this year has not been the best either. Although, once again growth and lessons for the both of us and so glad that it is coming to an end.

What is go come: we have a baby on the way. I am going to be homeschooling Mark for second grade and Luke will be going to school for Kindergarten. Rebecca is at home with me as well but she has been asking about school, so when she is three, I will look into it. All three kids are on swimming; the boys on a swim team. Rob will be 40 this year and is looking for change (but not with the family). I am very encouraged by things to come, though it is not our will, but the will of God and I would rather have that any day.

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About Me

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I am a mother of two boys and a girl. Their ages are 7, 5 and almost 3. I have been happily married for 12 years. I love spending time with my family and being a mom.