Wednesday, February 1, 2012

boasting about my kids

For those who are out of town and would love to read what my kids are up to:

Luke has become a counter. Today, and for the last couple of days, we have been counting. He can count to about 200 or so by himself. We also have been counting by 10's, 5's, 2's, 100's 1000's and other skip counting that he feels like doing. Today he also read the book Go, Dog, Go all by himself. He also is just about all the way through all of the sight words for kinder and he is only 5. We have been having so much fun at home. He loves to help me in the kitchen. Luke also loves to play on the computer and would live in his pajamas if I allowed him to.
Rebecca is learning to count as well. The other day I caught her counting past 30 and I am sure it is from listening to Luke and I in all our counting. She also has all of her colors down as well. She is also recognizing her name in writing, as well as her brother's names and mommy and daddy. She is speaking in full sentences and in a conversation. Our conversations are pretty funny. When she doesn't want to hear something she says "What!" or turns her head and closes her eyes. It is pretty funny. Rebecca also loves to cook. She is always sitting on the counter trying to help me or taste whatever I am doing.
Mark is my rock star. He goes to Karate twice a week and soccer practice once a week with a soccer game every Saturday. He also attends reading club when we can go. He has all E's (A's) and meets all the reading goals that are set for him. He is reading above grade level and just loves math and does really well with it as well. He also loves learning bible verses weekly. He also has 100 dollars saved up in his piggy bank for what he calls "a rainy day."

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About Me

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I am a mother of two boys and a girl. Their ages are 7, 5 and almost 3. I have been happily married for 12 years. I love spending time with my family and being a mom.