Friday, December 30, 2011

To A New Year

Many things have occurred since I last wrote: a man charged at me at Target just for asking a question, a man on the loose in my neighborhood and a man trying to get into my house while the kids and I were home was probably the breaking point. I feel so unsafe not only in my neighborhood but in my house. I want to move to badly. I want to live in another city and in another country perhaps. The great thing is that my husband is looking in all these places. I have also been depressed since the holidays are over and just trying to get through each day while I entertain the kids and try to order my house from the old toys to the new.
With the new year approaching and the old year about to go, I have been thinking about how I can make life better. My number one goal for 2012 is to make the best out of each day. I don't want to regret anything and I want my kids to have an absolute blast every day as kids. I want them to know who Jesus is daily and what He does for us. So whatever I can do to make this happen and have Jesus as the number one in my life and in my family, that is what I need to do. Love like no other and be full of Joy.
As I allow goal number one to happen, I need to work on other things: being the best mommy and wife that I can be. Love better. Bring more Joy into my life. Let the little things go away. Not allow anger or sadness into my life. Spend time with God daily, which includes prayer and time in the bible daily, first thing in the morning. (before running).
I also want to run more, eat less sugar, coffee and soda. We will see if this can happen.
A goal that my husband and I made together is getting out of debt. Now we really don't have too much because we believe that if we buy it, we can afford it and we pay our bills on time, monthly and have no credit card debt. Although, we do have a bill that we need to pay from adopting. So, we need to spend less and save more. By 2012, we will be debt free.
I hope to go on more dates with my husband and love him more and spend more time on us.
I also need to work on working on myself. I give too much in what other people think or feel about me rather than what I want or like. I need to let it be that if someone thinks that I am fat, so what, what do I think and am I happy with the way that I look.
I am excited about 2012. I know that God will bring great things to us and my family. I am so thankful for all the days God kept us safe and healthy through 2011. God did protect us from that man that tried to come into our house while we were home and we are blessed that he went to jail. Thank you God for this years blessings and the blessings to come. Our God is so good.

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About Me

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I am a mother of two boys and a girl. Their ages are 7, 5 and almost 3. I have been happily married for 12 years. I love spending time with my family and being a mom.