Sunday, June 19, 2011

Poor Mark

Mark is just four weeks shy of starting first grade. Since our summer break started, he has had to get glasses, get a cavity filled and we found out that his school moved to being a charter school. He is just such a shy kid that he doesn't want to wear the glasses in public. Unfortunately when people see something, they comment, which embarrasses Mark. If people could just keep their mouth shut it would be nice. It is kind of like having an elephant in the room. If everyone knows there is an elephant, do we need to talk about it or can we just let the elephant be and talk about something else.
Anyway, Rob and I are at a loss of the charter school. I am not a big fan of charter schools. So, should we move him to a different school and take a gamble that none of the other schools go charter in our district or do we home school or do we or do we send him to a private school. Since the schools start in 4 weeks, I don't have too much time to decide. Oh, what to do.
Mark is swimming and doing a great job. He is working with a swim coach and just loving it. He works so hard and does so well. I am such a proud mommy. Can't wait to see him swim with a team and compete.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a wonderful mother I know that any decision you make will be right (because even if it is not the best, you will find a way to make it better and then best.) For my two cents, he would probably learn more stuff home schooling, and we all know your talents as a teacher are non parallel! However, what you cannot give him is the socialization he will get in school...even if it is a charter school. It will be rough and he won't like it and if you go that route, you will doubt yourself, but I say in the long run the benefit will be there and over time Mark will triumph. Much love to you all from both of us.



About Me

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I am a mother of two boys and a girl. Their ages are 7, 5 and almost 3. I have been happily married for 12 years. I love spending time with my family and being a mom.