Friday, April 15, 2011

411 on Rebecca

Many of you might be wondering about Rebecca and her personality. She fits right into our house. She is stubborn, yet full of personality. She loves to cuddle. She blows kisses. Yet, she is great at stomping her feet and throwing fits because she doesn't get her way (reminds me of her mother). She loves to give her brothers hugs and sit on them. Luke still isn't quite sure of this. She loves to be outside and loves to go for walks in the stroller. She eats more than both her brothers combined and sometimes even more that me. She is getting more and more familiar with strangers and allowing them to hold her. Just like any other 17 month old, she also bites and throws things, but we won't talk about bad habits. She also loves to make messes for me to pick up.
All in all, she is a wonderful, loving 17 month old.

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious! Thank you for sharing glimpses into her little life!



About Me

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I am a mother of two boys and a girl. Their ages are 7, 5 and almost 3. I have been happily married for 12 years. I love spending time with my family and being a mom.